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Dr. LaMenta Conway, M.D, M.P.H

Updated: Aug 25, 2020

By now, all of us have experienced the pain of COVID-19 as it has taken loved ones or people that we once knew. It has also changed our lives as we've known it and it won't likely go back to being the same. The good news is we now have an opportunity to make things better. Together we can create a better healthcare system where there is more representation for those who are most vulnerable and where our healthcare providers can finally have a voice. If ever there's a silver lining it would be this: trying times inspire innovation. Many of us have identified unexpected talents. We are using our creative minds along with our hands to make life better for others.

We know that if there is to be a solution, it will come from the community. With that being said, I AM ABEL FOUNDATION has endeavored to empower our Healthcare Heroes with the equipment they desperately need. Since it's not available, we're going to make it!

Kudos to Marisa Arakawa and Sam Ogunbode. They are two of our Student Affiliate Mentees who have pledged to lead the campaign to create up to 5000 face shields for our healthcare team in the trenches. Dena Beaty, I AM ABEL FOUNDATION BOARD MEMBER and event planner will provide technical project management while our mentees manage the logistical and administrative tasks. We are incredibly thankful for their leadership and getting these face shields into the hands of our healthcare heroes

Take a listen to the video by Dr. Conway describing our project - then dive in! The world needs you

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