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Chicago Health & Medical Careers Citywide Student 2-Day Conference Health Equity Plenary Sessions!

I Am Abel Team

Updated: May 20, 2022

Registration is now open for the Chicago Health and Medical Careers Citywide Student 2 - Day Conference to be held Frida

y - Saturday, May 20-21st, 2022. This conference that hosts over 500+ students before the pandemic is the "how to" conference of the year for pre-health students in every field from nursing, pharmacy, medicine and beyond. The target audience includes middle school, high school, college, college graduate, post-bacc and medical students!

There is also a "conference within a conference" for ALL Chicago area medical students that includes Clinical Skills Workshops in everything from bedside ultrasonography to reading CTs/MRIs, Chest Xrays, EKGs and more. The information is pitched exclusively for medical students who need help with their clinical skills so they may shine on their clinical core rotations.

Don't dare miss the powerful plenary sessions that will explore the topic of Healthcare Equity and our theme - "Why We Can't Wait" - Our Singular and Collective Calling and Power to Create Equity in Medicine Now." The first plenary session will kick off on Friday, May 20th 2022 at 5:30pm. Dr. Linda Murray, a public health expert and trailblazer in the field of healthcare equity. The evening will then be followed by clinical skills workshops for our area medical students.

Saturday morning, May 21st, 2022, Dr. Fred Richardson, a Chicago area icon in medical education and advocacy will remind us how important our work is in this space on the eve of murder of George Floyd whose death kicked off the twin pandemics of systemic racial injustice and COVID here in the U.S.

In our afternoon plenary session, Dr. David Ansell, author of "The Death Gap - How Inequality Kills," will show us the stats that define our reality including how being born in the wrong zip code quite often leads to premature death.

Throughout the day, Pre-health students and Medical students can choose the courses or tracks that represent their fields of interest. We will have experts in every field answering all of your questions.

If you have not registered for this epic annual conference, get your tickets NOW. It's free!

To register, please click here>

To download the event PDF, please click here>

For the Workshop Tracks, please click here>


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