COVID -19 has been a real bummer and God knows that we are praying for all of our frontline heroes, essential workers and especially you - our student mentees, volunteers and community of supporters.
As you know, our annual student conference in May at Rush is a big hit. Due to COVID-19, however, we could not proceed as planned and the physical event was canceled.
So I AM ABEL FOUNDATION decided to convert the conference into a carefully curated, focused ONLINE conference event with all of the hot topics that mean the most. This particular event is focused on pre-med
students but we want our nurses to know to hold tight! We've got an online event coming just for them as well. The online event format makes it impossible to offer our usual vast variety and assortment of career tracks and breakout sessions.
Once you register for the Chicago Health and Medical Careers Citywide Student Conference, you will be emailed a link to the ONLINE webinar Saturday event. You will need the webinar info below to log in by 8:30am on Saturday. PLEASE REGISTER HERE>.
The Conference begins at 8:30am, Saturday, May 16, 2020 and will be presented as a focused and exciting webinar.
Please be aware that though our in person event often hosts crowds of 400-500+ attendees, the webinar will only allow for 100 online attendees. If you want to be in the room with the conference leaders you should be early and not late. Thankfully we will also be streaming live on facebook so you will have an opportunity to visit us there should the webinar be filled.
If you are unable to join the webinar, stream with us LIVE from Dr. Conways facebook page. We encourage you to share the live stream with other pre-med hopefuls. Sharing is Caring!
Below are just two of the amazing guests to join us this Saturday. For more event info, proceed to the green "REGISTER FOR THE ONLINE CONFERENCE" tab below to check out the workshop and the schedule of events.
Physician, Social Epidemiologist and Author, Dr. David Ansell, will discuss his best selling book"The Death Gap - How Inequality Kills." In light of the inordinate number of COVID deaths in communities of color this topic is more important now than ever before. Dr. Ansell's stats will astound you. But more importantly, I hope they motivate you to make a difference. After all, we must be the change that we want to see. Dr. Ansell is also the Senior Vice President and Associate Provost for Community Engagement at Rush University. I am also proud to call him my mentor and friend.
Sunny Nakae, MSW, PhD
Associate Dean of Student Affairs, University of California Riverside
Join our special guest, Dr. Sunny Nakae as she shares with our students the "Road to Medicine." She will discuss what you need to know to become a successful applicant into medical school. She knows the barriers and the challenges that are unique to students from communities of color and has been a tireless advocate for those underrepresented in medicine. It has been a joy to know her. Although she is now in California, she will always have a special place in our hearts here in Chicago. She is truly Chicago's finest.
This special full day event is the pre-med blueprint into medicine. Join us for a full day conference from the comfort of your home. Stay for a session or stay all day!
To stream Webinar live from Facebook, click here for Dr Conway's Facebook page. Note: You need to login to your own FB account to join.
STILL HAVEN'T REGISTERED? Once you register, you will receive a link by email to attend the Conference. So register now, click here>
See you Saturday Online!
Warm regards,
La Menta Conway, MD MPH